Ask WorkSource: Adverse Weather Policy


If you live in an area where adverse weather has the potential to impact employee attendance, it pays to give the subject some serious consideration. Does my company “need” an adverse weather policy? No. There is no statutory requirement for such policies. It’s up to each individual employer to come up with their own adverse… Read more »

Ask WorkSource: FMLA Doctor Visits


So what’s all the talk about FMLA? (Family and Medical Leave Act) The FMLA entitles eligible employees, employed by a “covered employer”, to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee had not taken leave. Should… Read more »

3 Stress Relievers to Help Relax Your Workforce


Lets face it, workplace stress is a mess! Ever experience headaches within a couple of hours of arriving to work? How about light headedness, back or neck pain, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, worthlessness, reduced productivity, lack of motivation or irritability? All of these are symptoms of stress and may be related to workplace stress. WorkSource offers three… Read more »

Using LinkedIn to Find Top Talent in Des Moines


Most Human Resource (HR) professionals are already well aware of the benefits of using social media to find candidates in their industries. Many source LinkedIn on a regular basis to find and vet candidates. But there are some companies who still haven’t jumped on the LinkedIn band wagon. WorkSource breaks down the benefits of LinkedIn, and… Read more »

Is Your Top Employee on Their Way Out the Door?


Employee engagement is vital when it comes to assessing turnover rates within your organization. According to the Corporate Leadership Council’s Employee Engagement Study of 2013, only 31% of employees surveyed are fully engaged at work. The findings also showed that employees who know their boss’s well, as a person, are more likely to stay with… Read more »